Ah, the great escape artist, Smokey, is cooling his heels in the barn, under barn arrest. He is NOT staying where he belongs. Which is INSIDE the fence. So, the best thing to keep him safe from the road that runs along one lllooonnnnggg side of the property is to keep him contained where I know he will be safe. In the barn.
Poor Smokey. He keeps sticking his head out the window and hollering to the other horses about how mean his Mom is... I don't have any sympathy for him. Even though the fence is zapping him - he has a couple of small marks on his front legs where he zapped himself getting out - he continues to crawl through the fence.
So, the boys are hanging their heads in the stall window to keep him company and, I swear, laughing at him as they run around the field. Even letting him out for a few minutes while I clean his stall leads to an escape. So, into the other stall during cleaning time. Different four walls, but four walls just the same.
Short of putting up a wooden fence, and we know how well construction is this time of year with the weather, etc, or putting another strand of electric fence up around the whole field, which I probably will need to do, h e is driving me to distraction...