Monday, May 10, 2010

How Time Flies....

and speaking of flies... it's only supposed to be 25 degrees tonight. On May 10th. Talk about weather that needs adjustment. Hopefully all the little blood suckers are going to freeze tonight. They were horrible the other day.

Poor Tommy. He didn't know what was worse... having the little black nats biting him, having me put fly spray on him or the smell of the citronella fly spray... poor, poor Tommy, my butt. He's in heaven and he knows it.

Still off and on lame... next step is x-rays to rule out anything other than arthritis. Put front shoes on him with shock-tamer pads and he's strutting his stuff all around the pasture, tearing around the barn, chasing the ponies and making everyone's mane and tails go flying... it's so nice to see him happy and wanting to run!

Chicken babies will be here next week.

The construction on the house has begun. We are tearing out all the interior walls, re-wiring the whole house, insulating (we have NO insulation now... ) and replacing ALL the windows!

It's been hectic around here and will continue to be through the middle of June with our 2nd daughter graduating high school. Our nephew is, also. Ordered all the goodies for the party the other day.

Off to bed, appointment in the morning... I know the grass is green and the sun is shining, but I still have my wood stove on and I'm freezing in the morning. We had 50 degrees in January but 25 degrees in May??? What is wrong with that picture... LOTS!!!!