Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here Comes The Snow....

It started an hour ago with just a few pretty flakes falling down. Now it's worked up to serious business. The dogs are enjoying it, but really like sleeping next to the wood stove. We still have way less snow than Maryland does. I'm not complaining at all. This might help with the ouchy foot thing that Tommy is still battling. Really been spoiled this winter with the nice weather and doing chores in a t-shirt.

The chicken feathers love the snow. They made a snow angel one day, but by the time I got my camera out there to take a picture, one of them had ruined it.

Ordered my turkeys. Hopefully we will eat more than the fox did this year. I ordered a couple of extra as I had requests for freezer birds. Even if we get a little back, no way we will break even. They eat too well. But that makes for a bird you don't have to worry about eating.

So many horses still looking for homes. Dogs. Cats. Birds. People suck. If you get an animal, it should be for life. And if you can't keep it, give it away to someone who will take care of it - not take it from the frying pan into the fire. Just makes me want to thump my head on the desk. Really HARD. Sigh.

Snuggle your furry friends around the fire and watch the snow falling outside. Best way to spend a cold, snowy day...