Monday, February 23, 2009

Just another day in Hell, Vermont :(

I truly wish there was a new topic to write about. Like riding my horse in the sun and green grass for hours. Like the lawn needs mowing. Like the flowers are blooming and a warm breeze is gently blowing through the house. Instead, I have gusty, cold winds rattling the windows. Sending snow drifts all over the places we just shoveled. Having to use snow shoes to put out the hay in the fields. Like my poor little pug having asthma/esophageal swelling/irritation.

I just got done checking my emails. More and more bad news. Don't want to believe me? Sign up on a web site called for email updates on current, pending and closed cases in your area. My inbox has something daily from them. The world at it's worse. Then sign up for the rescue newsletters. Google horse neglect and see the thousands of hits.

No, I'm not all doom and gloom. It's a bad time of year for everyone. The weather is bad. The economy sucks. The hay prices are up, the supply is down, and the end to winter is not in sight. My truck is dead at the garage - the only good part about that is it made it home from South Carolina before it decided to die.

The good news is that my husband has a good job and jobs lined up through Christmas. We have a cord of wood downstairs, both the stoves are running at maximum capacity. We do have two trucks that are working. I have a new boss at work, so my schedule will slowly start returning to normal. My horses and other animals (besides poor Maggie) are all doing well. I pay the last $100.00 on my vet bill when I get paid this week. My girls are all well. My husband and I took our oldest up this morning to Randolph Tech Center, where she has been accepted for starting in the Fall. I do truly feel blessed. I just wish all families and all animals have what mine do.

So, the horses are in for the night, the farrier is due in the morning and it's predicted to be 44 degrees on Wednesday afternoon. I certainly hope so. It's 17 degrees right now with a brisk wind blowing. My ears are frozen! In to snuggle with Maggie beside the wood stove and warm up before I go to bed.

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