Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Day in the Life

Ah, another winter day. At least it was tolerable as I was outside today freezing my fingers off while cleaning stock tanks, moving them to new locations in the pastures and filling them. Nothing like water and cold and winter all together in one nice little bundle.

As a side note, the silly horses were doing their usual 'I'm a horse, so I'm going to act all freaked out.' Boneheads. They make me laugh. So hard that I cry. Oops. Frozen tears of laughter. I was trying to wrap the connectors between the water tank and the extension cord with a plastic bag to keep out the water and snow. One of them got away from me and skittered across the snow. You would think it was a mountain lion the way Buddy jumped and ran away. Lacey bucked and tore around. Smokey just chased it down like it was a snack running from him :) Once Smokey grabbed it (with me right on his butt), Lacey came around to see if it was any good to eat. I left it on the ground once Smokey and Lacey were done with it and, after a while, Buddy figured it wasn't such a big deal and smelt it. Smokey stands about 3 1/2 feet at the shoulder. Lacey about 5feet. Buddy close to 5 1/2 feet. Biggest is the most scared it seems. Brrrr.

Then the sun went down. And it got cold. And the wind started to blow, gently, but enough that made it chilly. Go inside to warm up and get dry gloves on.

Elias is doing well. The swelling is going down, ssslllooowwwllllyyyy. Too slowly, I'm afraid. Oral antibiotics. Yep. Bute. Yep. Syringes of antibiotics. Yep. Walking. Yep. More walking. Yep. Clean Stalls. Yep. Grain. Hay. Water buckets, er, Ice Pops. Scoop out ice. Yep. Calling the vet again tomorrow as I'm out of syringes. Yep. Paying the first vet bill in the morning. Yep.

I'm slowly going MAD! (Ok, ok. For those of you that know me, that's not a very far drive. Scenery is sometimes boring:) Research on the Internet. Hmmm. Seems that Thoroughbreds are more susceptible to stocking up. For many, many different reasons. Oh, great. That's nice to know. Now. Would have been nicer to know BEFORE! Oh, well, wouldn't have made a difference then. Doesn't make one now, either.

Going to bed as I can't take any more excitement today. Going to be up early to check in with the Vet to see if he is going by or if I can make arrangements for a regular farm call that doesn't cost the extra emergency part on it. Sigh. Some day life will be dull and boring and I will have to remind myself that dull and boring are a good sign. Sigh.

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