Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Time to Ride

Well, I went for my first ride Saturday. Went on my old horse, Buddy. Who turned 28 this spring. He walked quietly - almost having to prod him - the whole way out, about 2 miles. Then he JOGGED the whole way back. Ohy, vey. My sides are killing me. Still.

He did wonderfully. I haven't ridden him since October 2008. He was mostly worried about leaving Elias with his girls... the reason for the prodding all the way out. Once we got to my friends house, he didn't want to stand and wait for me to visit. He churned up her drive way dancing in circles for the 5 minutes we talked. Then he proceeded to jig and jog all the way home. I did make him stop and stand for a few seconds - at road crossings. Up the big hill. Near the fence with the flag blowing. He was wonderful. Went through the huge puddle up to his knees without pausing.

I had been having a bit of a time with myself. Psyching myself out. I finally found a nice day with nothing on the schedule and just told myself to do it. Now, I wasn't putting myself in any danger. I knew my horse, knew he was trained well and the worst he would do was turn a few circles not wanting to go away from his girls. I just had to get over my hesitation.

Then, my good friend, Lisa, called me. Want to go riding? SURE! She has an older horse, a comfy, couch like horse. I love this horse. I would have taken this horse if it weren't for the fact that I had just agreed to take Elias in November. He is a very sweet boy. He was good, also. We went out for about 2 hours on Monday. We haven't ridden since our last ride Thanksgiving weekend. Holidays, hockey, basketball, work, children, keep us both very, very busy.

Dakota is such a mush monster. I love him. We went riding, he needing a little prodding on the way out, but was well in the lead on the way back. To the point that I made him stop a couple of times to let Lisa and her mare catch up. It was nice to visit, catch up on our lives and the happenings with the kids, the husbands.

We have plans two weekends from now to go to Everything Equine in Essex Junction, VT. It's not as big as Equine Affair in Springfield, Mass, but it's Vermont's version of a horse extravaganza. We are going for the day.

Just to let you all know how serious we are about this horse thing, I went on line to see if I could order tickets for Equine Affair in November. Not yet. Lisa went and made our room reservations last week :) I guess we are both thinking ahead.

My big purchase I am planning on making at Everything Equine is a new bridle for Elias. Buddy's does fit him, but I have to mess with the buckles and it takes a lot of time and a lot of finger strength that I don't always have. He needs his own, anyways.

So, I'm planning on riding Thursday, supposed to be a nice day and warm. I might just ride Elias around the pasture and around the house by the gravel pit. I need to build up my confidence in him. I'm sure he will do just fine, but I need to work out my butterflies.

Kinda a bit not so cavalier about riding. I'm going to be 43 this year and I don't bounce so well. Used to be, have helmet, will ride. I'm a tad bit more selective about the horses I ride now. Older and wiser. With a new helmet :)

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