Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rain, rain and more flippin' rain...

I know, I know. It's good to have the rain. Yep. So much rain that half the state is floating away and some people are bailing out their basements. The horses are growing webbed feet and the chickens are growing gills. At least we don't have to shovel rain.

The horses were in today - again. Without protest this time. They like being inside and sticking their heads out the doors long enough to get their ears wet and then come inside and snuggle in their shavings in their stalls. I will let them out tomorrow when it slows down a little.

I let them out earlier when I cleaned stalls. They ran around for a few minutes, rolled in the mud (my eyes are rolling) and then came charging back in when I called them. They were out long enough to be totally saturated with mud. So much that I used the scraper on them. Now they are nice and fluffy and dusty. (shaking my head)

Hopefully everyone survives the floods and no one gets washed away. South of us is really getting hit hard. I'm so glad that I not only live very, very high above the river, but I also sit right on top of a gravel pit. Seriously. We don't have hardly any puddles anywhere! Except the impromptu manure pile the guys have made in the pasture.

Stay dry and warm... it's supposed to be 80 degrees on Sunday! I can't hardly wait!

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