Monday, March 30, 2009

Rain, rain, go away...

Ohy, vey. I know we need the rain. We always need the rain. But I have a couple of points to make about the rain. First - it's too cold, wet and damp to even entertain the idea of riding. The horses are covered head to foot in mud, wet hair that is coming out in clumps and it's just gross. The other problem I have is - my truck refuses to start in the rain. I know, I know. Nothing like a fair-weather ride. Good thing I still have the power of Veto over my teenage daughter so I did have the ford to drive today.

So, I ran the errands I needed to run in the morning, let the horses out to swim in the mud and manure puddles and cleaned the barn. Got them all bedded in with clean shavings, some hay, a little taste of grain (a reward them from coming in!) and some fresh water. They were soaked. Not only did it rain, but the bone heads are rolling around in the muck and mud.

The mare is in heat - A G A I N! Actually, it would be easier to pinpoint when she is NOT in heat. She's squealing, running around, twitching her butt in the air around the boys, bucking and farting. Generally making a nuisance of herself. Spring is in the air - just another of the 1,001 reasons to be in heat and tease the boys.

The Boys... are all gelded. Years ago! But that doesn't stop them from trying to become the most handsome, smooth moving, loudest suitor in the field. Even Smokey, the smallest in the herd, is trying to snuggle up to the little Jezebel. It's actually very funny to watch the circus. They are mock playing. Smokey against Abner; Elias against Smokey; Abner against Elias - the whole time Buddy is herding her away from the action and she is trying to get near the action.

I'm looking forward to the days when it's just the four boys in the field. With hay at $5 a bale (I go through 2 1/2 bales a day now), shavings are now over $6 a bag and grain around $20 a bag, not to mention farrier service, spring shots, worming... it's plenty expensive to have horses. I just finished paying of the last vet bill in February. Now it's time to schedule spring shots, cleaning of sheaths (eewww. The vet does that one!), and seeing if their teeth need floating. I'm probably looking at $350 at least. Eeek.

The pleasure and the pain of owning a horse. The 365 days of having a shoulder to cry on, warm, fuzzy necks to bury my nose in, and a never ending source of amusement, it makes it all worth it.

So, back out to top off the water buckets and portion out some more hay and grain and tuck everyone in to bed for the night. Maybe they might be dried out by now and a quick brushing in the morning will help ease some of the clumping lumps of hair falling off them in handfuls!

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