Monday, February 16, 2009

Forget Reality TV, Welcome to Reality, VT

Mom. Mom. Wake up. Mom. (Barking in background) Mom. Hi. Can I go out to lunch with my friends before they go back to school? Mom. Wake up.

Ugh. Sigh. Yawn. Stretch. Huh?

Mom. Can I go out to lunch with my friends? (phone beeping now, harmonizing nicely with the dogs continuing to bark in the background.) I let the dogs out and fed them. Can I go?

Ah, vacation must really be over.

Who cares if Julie stabs Nicole in the back, and Bruce is running around naked. This is REALITY. Forget the reality tv garbage.

Sigh. Here we go. ON with the layers. Darn? Have I unpacked my boots yet? Downstairs to breast feed the wood stove. Then the one in the living room. Then to the coffee maker - (DAD, MOM - I so miss you! I was so spoiled. Every morning I got up on vacation, the coffee was made.) Groan. My gloves are still packed. The temperature here at 10 am is 32 degrees. Whine. I wanna go back south! Let the horses out, scattered hay around. They look really good! Feed the roosters and uncover their cage so they can get some sunshine.

Back inside, coffee is done. Groan. Well, what did I truly expect? The dishes are mostly done. Looks like the dishwasher is clean but not emptied. Most of the laundry is still caught up - except for the small wardrobe in the recliner in the living room. My darling daughter loves to get dressed by the wood stove and leave her pj's hanging out for the dogs to sleep on during the day.

How insane am I - the girls are on vacation this week. The only one home last night was MJ - who got home around 12am from work. Daily chores must mean that they think about them once a day and only do them when they want to do something and the only question they are asked is "Are your chores done?"

Dogs must have really missed me as I can't go anywhere in the house that they don't follow me and lay at my feet. My snarly biting monster is sacked out on my lap and grumbles occasionally when I shift my lap - sorry to disturb your snooze.

So, the birds need feeding, the plants look like they are a little parched and the edges of everything need a little tlc. The barn, however, looks nice. My husband did some tidying up and fixed a couple of small things I had been asking him about.

My cold that was so close to being gone in South Carolina is back. I'm regularly coughing, again. Sigh. Wish I was like Samantha on Bewitched. I'd be materializing somewhere south where there is no snow.

Driving home over the weekend, I didn't hit any real accumulation of snow until I got into Massachusetts. What a bummer. The snow banks here aren't bad, after a week of 40 degree weather during the day and no more accumulation. But you know we aren't going to be able to slide by on that. You know there are a few more storms just brewing out there somewhere on the horizon. Sigh. Bleck. No worries about having to get the lawn mower tuned up here, yet.

Oh, to go back to bed and wake up in the warm, warm south. Guess that bubble is burst. I'm not kidding - I already marked it on my calendar. Next January and February, I am packing up one of my dogs and my two horses and I'm south. Already gave Hubby notice. With him or not, I'm gone. I have almost a year to save up and get things ready. Plans are already made in South Carolina. Something to look forward to!

Off to putter around the house, water the plants, feed the birds, clean up and unpack and wash laundry. Back to being Mom. Sigh. I haven't been gone long enough to truly miss all this. Wonder just how long that might take? Well, know it is longer than 9 days.


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