Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Horse "Training" at its very WORST, Parelli style

I did not see what I just saw. I'm literally sick to my stomach. I was catching up on my blog visits and, once again, Cathy at delivers. There is a YouTube link of Pat Parelli "training" (and you don't know just how loosely I use that term) a horse named Catwalk at the Royal Festival of the Horse in England.

This poor horse. This is not training, it's pure out and out abuse. The lady who did the YouTube clip said she was so upset by this that she walked out after a short while but this abuse went on for TWO hours. In front of an audience.

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but if I had my name associated anywhere with the Parelli's, it certainly wouldn't be any more.

Shame on them. Not only do they do a great disservice for all true horse trainers in America, but in the world. If I were a 'horse trainer' I wouldn't be announcing that too loudly these days.

If I had a horse in training, you best be damn sure I would be on my way to visit my horse at the trainers and camping out for a few days watching them work - not only with my horse but with a few other peoples as well.

Shame on you, Pat & Linda Parelli. You should apologize. Not only to the horse (he should be allowed to kick both of you in the head) but also the horses owner, Robert Whitaker. This horse is going to take years - even if it is at all possible - of patient, gentle, consistent work to get over the abuse and trauma you inflicted upon him.

You should apologize to every single person in that audience. You should explain to them that you are inadequate and incapable of training a horse in a humane, gentle, non-forceful way.

Eeeewww. You just both make me want to puke. You both are so very lucky that this horse had a slightly more sane brain in his head than the two of you and didn't explode on the both of you and kick the ever loving crap out you.

If you think I'm over doing it, go to YouTube and search for Catwalk and Parelli. I will warn you that if you have any sense of compassion for animals at all, you will have trouble watching this.

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